Primare 204 Goldtop Compact Disc Player
Primare CD 204 CDM 1 Mk2 Servoboard Demodulator 220 µf ? Testing , fail , no HF from TDA8088 Dirty Lens Test with CDM-2 ,...
Primare CD 204 CDM 1 Mk2 Servoboard Demodulator 220 µf ? Testing , fail , no HF from TDA8088 Dirty Lens Test with CDM-2 ,...
CD 850 CD 850 Mk2 FFT 192 kHz , 1m 8x Average Playing Silence track without Dither left channel Playing Silence track without Dither left channel Playing Silence track with Dither...
CD 100 Repair , Some it won’t startup , if it’s starts it won’t read the TOC.. Repaired broken transformers leads , found some broken solderjoints , recappad powersupply and servo board...
I’m looking for the Barco / EMT 981 Service and Owners manual
CD 880 Refurbisch early version Dus Cleaning After brushing , now replace all small caps 47µf is 10µf Some early version modificaties Recap Main board Modification P203 firmware and a modification...
Test Signal 1 kHz 16 bits dithered at -60 dBfs sample freq. 48000 kHz Comparing SAA7220A vs SAA7220B with TDA1541 S1 Comparing SAA7220A vs SAA7220B with TDA1541a
Some High-End tweaks 😉
What happend here made the XLR unbalanced Relay L504 is missing ? Capicitors remover and Resistors Aha, the output transformers for the Balanced output are not in use..? On this board there are also...
CD player as a DAC, SAA7220 snap in adapter board , to add SPDIF input to a CD player with SAA7220 Compatible with TDA5708 and TDA8808 – Compact Disc Players Signal Processors Working Attenuation...