CD 880 Refurbisch
CD 880 Refurbisch early version Dus Cleaning After brushing , now replace all small caps 47µf is 10µf Some early version modificaties Recap Main board Modification P203 firmware and a modification...
CD 880 Refurbisch early version Dus Cleaning After brushing , now replace all small caps 47µf is 10µf Some early version modificaties Recap Main board Modification P203 firmware and a modification...
Lose cable holder dus Broken polderjoints VFD removed Now replace Tactile and Caps Removed tactile’s After painstaking de-soldering and reassambeling the frontpanel it’s still working 🙂 On request IC-Sockets....
Nice scratch 😉 , Changed all tactile switches , capicitors and lots off dust in display Working on mainboard 😉 Reworked board placed back in frame Working On/Off leds Cleaning More cleaning More...
Removed S/Pdif modification. Tested origineel CDD 882 vs Modded CDD 882 , used Mission DAC 5 with YM3623 S/Pdif reciever removed the Clock More modificaties, SAA7210 with direct wiring...
CDD 882, Sometime display won’t turn on , Trouble reading Table Off Content, Tray won’t open. No power light bulbs. Display is not clear Buttons won’t react directly. Dark red filter foil is...
“Hi can you have a look at my CD 880 i have a ready recapped and resoldered the player and it’s not working , i measure -16 instead of -10 ” This CD 880...
A CDD 882 with CDM 2 , What has happend here …??? Display Problems CDM 2-29 build in Some Capicitors have been replaced If we want to build in a CDM-1...
CD 880 trouble reading CD’s Open close button All buttons are bad change power en play leds to Turquoise one’s Lots of dust After some brushing Loose capacitor ? Missing Leg capacitor There it...