CD 960 repair and refurbished
CD 960 , has been service before , first look inside
missing parts , broken belds
what happend here…
Missing some place holders
Missing kill relais ?!
oeps, flying around inside the player
First i replaced switches in the frontpanel, cleaned the display
repaired the headphone amplifier
Replacing belts
the old open close switch
What happend with the wiring
This yellow wire is not original in a CD960 , mostly found in a early Marantz CD94’s and used activate the kill relais when the player is in stop mode, I have follow the wire and is Connected to ground instead off the stop signal
Diagram of CD960
Diagram Marantz CD94
So i removed the yellow wire , added a 5 volt relais , and the Kill-relais is switches after 2 seconden off power up. to stop popping sound on the speakers.
Open close flex-foil is broken , rewiring
Finally Testing…
CD 960 – “Direct de CD speler geprobeerd en het was geweldig! , Mijn vertrouwen in de Philips speler is nu weer terug en ik heb nu een nieuwe Marantz speler werkloos staan. “