CD 202 : Needs repair after failed recap

This CD 202 has been recapped but is not working 😉 let see what we can do.

the powersupply

2200 µf replaced by 4700 µf , more is beter ?

1800 µf instead off 2200 µf

100µf replaced by 220µf , and missed a 22µf

Decoder board is not recapped..?!

Always number these 3 connectors  , if you swap these connectors , the the MAB will be dead

More 220µf  , missed the 3,3 µf


47µf replaced by 220 µf

Dirty lens

Only 0,7 Volt top/top

After cleaning the lens

more the 1 volt top/top , without touching the potmeters 😉

New audio cable and connectors

and a fine player is working again